Welcome to the Lyconguan Products and Services website.

If you have any questions about using the website, please go to the Contact Us section. All questions or comments about the website or its content will be answered by Lyconguan Products and Services’ Member Help Desk

To use this website, please read these Terms of Use carefully.

You may only use the website when you have agreed and accepted the Terms without any limitation or reservation


  1.  “Website” is the information system used to set up the electronic information page of Lyconguan Products and Services presented in the form of symbols, numbers, letters, images, sounds and other information. other forms of information for the provision and use of information in cyberspace.
  2.  “Content on the Website” means all information, data, documents, resources, texts, designs, graphics, interfaces, images, audio files, inventions, trademarks, trade names. Trade, logo template of Lyconguan Products and Services, products, services, trade secrets or other material of Lyconguan Products and Services posted and/or created on the Website. All Content on the Website is the legal property and belongs to Lyconguan Products and Services
  3. “Terms of Use” means the terms of use of the Website stated herein and posted on the Website.
  4. “User” means an individual and/or organization accessing the Website to access and use the Content on the Website.

II.Intellectual property rights

  1. Website and Content on Website are owned/copyrighted by Lyconguan Products and Services and/or third party licensors to Lyconguan Products and Services, is protected under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law of New Mexico and other relevant laws.
  2. The User has no rights, claims or interests in relation to the Content on the Website. The User agrees not to make any representations, or take any action to establish, exercise a right, or claim to the Content on the Website.
  3. Except for the case: (i) specified in Clause 1, Section IV; or (ii) with the prior written consent of Lyconguan Products and Services; or (iii) permitted by Vietnam law, the following acts shall be considered as infringing upon Lyconguan Products and Services’ intellectual property rights, specifically:
  4. Any use, copying, recycling, republishing, modification, storage, reproduction, transmission, distribution, rental, rental, sale or commercial exploitation of any Content on the Website by in any way;
  5. Distribute, translate, modify, decode, create derivative work(s), tamper with the Content on the Website in any way;
  6. Other acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights under the Intellectual Property Law and relevant legal provisions.

III. Rights of Lyconguan Products and Services

  1. Change and/or terminate part or all of the Content on the Website without prior notice or giving any reason for the updated or supplemented contents.
  2. Request the User to stop accessing the Website and/or using the Contents on the Website in the following cases:
  3. a.Infringement of intellectual property rights of Lyconguan Products and Services under Section II of these Terms of Use
  4. b.Use of the Contents on the Website in the circumstances that are restricted or prohibited by Section V of these Terms of Use.
  5. Request the User to compensate for all damages incurred (if any) in case the User violates the provisions of these Terms of Use.

IV.User Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Use the Content on the Website (view, extract the content (print, download, forward, …) or share it with others) but only for personal/internal and non-commercial use with terms and conditions. must cite the source as well as keep the link (link/url) to the Content on the Website.
  2. Ensure: (i) Comply with the Terms of Use and the provisions of New Mexico law relating to accessing the Website and using the Content on the Website; (ii) Do not interfere with, affect the access to the Website and use of the Content on the Website by other Users; (iii) Do not interfere in the operation and management of the Website of Lyconguan Products and Services
  3. Termination of access to the Website and/or use of the Content on the Website in case the User does not agree with one or some or all of the Terms of Use.

V.Restriction of use

Lyconguan Products and Services does not accept any use of the Content on the Website under any of the following circumstances:

  1. Against the Viet Nam Special Administrative Region
  2. Infringing upon the personal freedom of others; and/or humiliate, defame, libel others; and/or harm or disadvantage others.
  3. Disturbing public order;
  4. Committing acts that violate New Mexico law.
  5. Dissemination and distribution of information by third parties without their consent.
  6. Use the Content on the Website for business and/or commercial purposes, including but not limited to contests, betting, barter, advertising or multi-level marketing without prior written consent. Text of Lyconguan Products and Services
  7. Transmit virus-infected electronic files that may damage and/or impair the operation of other electronic devices
  8. Use robots, spiders and/or any other means to track and collect Content on the Website for any reuse purposes without the prior written permission of Lyconguan Products and Services
  9. Use any device, software and/or any other means to infringe or intentionally interfere with the operation of the Website.
  10. Any action that is illegal and/or prohibited under the laws of Viet Nam.
  11. Acts of infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of Lyconguan Products and Services
  12. Any action that Lyconguan Products and Services unilaterally considers it inappropriate or negatively affects Lyconguan Products and Services